12 Mind-Blowing Health Benefits

of Green Smoothies Printable

If you are not sure what’s so great about green smoothies and why you should include them in your diet…

This printable will tell you all that you need to know!

What do you get in this Printable?

  • How green smoothies changed MY life…
  • 12 fantastic benefits of green smoothies...

You will immediately receive my “12 Mind-Blowing Health Benefits of Green Smoothies Printable”, so you can start adding green smoothies to your diet and enjoy a healthier life too.

12 Mind-Blowing Health Benefits of Green Smoothies Printable

"These smoothies can really have a huge benefits on people’s health. I had no idea that it had this many benefits though, this is 12 great benefits! It is pretty amazing that it can help weight loss and weight gain." ~Silas Knight

GET YOUR FREE COPY OF “12 Mind-Blowing Health Benefits of Green Smoothies Printable

I help busy people to make tasty, complete meal smoothies so they can...

  • Drop dress size after dress size...
  • Boost their energy to levels they’ve never experienced...
  • Feel more confident and more alive than they’ve ever felt...
  • Spend less time in the kitchen, without ever feeling hungry or deprived.

"My life was transformed after losing 56 pounds in just a few months, and recovering from soul destroying health problems by replacing 1-2 meals a day with complete meal smoothies." Katherine Kyle  

I am now passionate to help YOU change your life in the same way.

Katherine Kyle before and after weight loss with green smoothies

Created by

Katherine Kyle

Founder and CEO


Katherine Kyle before and after weight loss with green smoothies

Green Thickies Featured On

Green Thickies as seen on Channel 4 TV Show 'How To Lose Weight Well'
Green Thickies Featured on The HealthLine

GET YOUR FREE COPY OF “12 Mind-Blowing Health Benefits of Green Smoothies Printable

12 Mind-Blowing Health Benefits of Green Smoothies Printable

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