Be the first to know when the 6-Week Shred is open:
Would you like to be the first to test out my brand-new weight loss course and system called The 6-Week Shred?
After helping thousands of people lose fat, and recover from numerous health problems, I’m finally revealing all of my secrets in this new program.
This isn’t a normal shred where you get told what to eat for a certain period of time, and then go back to eating normal food again and gain all the weight back.
This is a 6-week weight loss course, where not only will you implement new habits to lose weight, but you’ll learn the science behind everything you do. You will become the weight loss expert yourself.
Not only that, but you will get access to my new weight loss support group, Shredders Connect, to be supported on an ongoing basis to help you lose the weight and keep it off.
During this 6 week shred, you will discover:
1) How eating a nutritionally complete, real food diet is the key to easy, hunger-free and much faster fat loss
2) How calories in vs calories out DO matter for weight loss, but not in the way you think they do
3) The type of weight you lose makes a massive difference to your long term health, energy levels, and ability to keep the weight off long term
4) The one type of exercise that matters more than any other type for longevity, sustained fat loss, and getting the lean, sculpted body you never thought possible for you
5) How to become a weight loss expert yourself so you no longer have to rely on others’ meal plans and can choose your own food type, meal timings, and meal quantities. You’ll be able to follow any diet, or choose foods you love and know you are going to be able to lose weight, and get all of your nutrition.
6) How to learn why your brain sends you signals to overeat and binge, and how to stop these unwanted thoughts for good
7) How your metabolism works, why your body seems to want you to be overweight, and how to balance your hormones and speed up your metabolism so you feel at your very best, and shed fat effortlessly
8) How to put fat loss on autopilot, create automatic habits that you won’t even have to think about. You’ll stop having to use willpower, make decisions about what to eat, or struggle to make lasting healthy changes. You’ll become automatically healthy and effortlessly lean
In this 6 week shred, you will receive:
- A variety of nutritionally complete meal plans (vegan, vegetarian, gluten-free, omnivore, pescatarian, chocolate lovers, all day breakfast lovers) that you can use to get started, build your confidence and get ideas from while you practise creating your own delicious meal plans
- Recommended food lists. No foods are banned, but I show you how to pick and choose from the most nutritionally dense foods, so you can be nutritionally complete and still have room for your favorite comfort foods, all while losing weight
- Video tutorials showing you how to create meal plans, and use all the tools I provide for you so you can be the expert in your own health
- Weight Loss & Health Calculators telling you exactly how many calories you need to eat to lose weight, and ways to defy the odds and speed this up by over 30%, determine your BMI (and a separate calculator for athletes), your ideal body weight, how many calories you need to eat to drop a certain body fat percentage, a long term goal plan with dates to meet your ideal weight, and how fast you can expect to lose the weight, and a personalized protein intake calculator.
- Progress logs including daily diary, a weekly progress log that tells you how far you’ve come and how far you still have to go, a weekly calorie plan to help you save more calories for the weekend, weekly health plan, food tracker, and a weekly food plan.
- Other resources help you calculate your body fat percentage, convert your weight and height, and help to answer the question “should I eat this?”
- Workout plans, including resistance training plans, cardio plans, and stretching plans.
- Diet & Exercise Year Planner to help you build up gradually, adding one healthy habit at a time until you’re automatically healthy without having to make any new decisions or use any willpower
- Recommended Equipment List, shopping lists, supplement guides, and book recommendations
In this 6 week shred, you will join us for:
- Weekly live coaching calls. I will teach the weekly lesson. This will be followed by an interactive session with you where you can ask me any question you like, we will help each other overcome struggles, and celebrate our wins together.
- One to one coaching. If there is anything you want to ask me privately or get support with, I am here for you. Let me know what you’re struggling with, so I can help you stay on track. Message me anytime and I will reply
- Online community group. Drop into the group anytime. Share your struggles, your wins, your meals, progress you’ve made, and we can all support each other. Make friends and go through this journey together.
- Membership To Shredders Connect. If this trial is successful, I will continue my weight loss club, Shredders Connect, and you will get 6 months of free access. The plan is to continue to do weekly calls and provide support in the group. (One to one coaching won’t continue after the 6 weeks)
- Providing Feedback. If you are accepted to be a tester for me, you agree to privately give me constructive feedback and how you would like things to be improved, and also leave me a positive review publicly if you have anything good to say about the program
My name is Kath Kyle and I’ve been a weight loss coach for over 12 years. I’ve helped thousands of people lose weight with my recipes, meal plans, approach to dieting and unique concept, The Green Thickie. The more I’ve learned, the more I’ve realised that weight loss is very unique to the individual and can be attempted in healthy, and unhealthy ways.
I love to share the healthy and sustainable way to lose weight. What’s most important to me now is to educate people as to the reasons why things work, and how they can customize their own approaches to find a solution that works for them in the long term. If you don’t enjoy your food, and you have unbearable hunger and cravings all the time, you’re never going to be able to stick to a meal plan.
After years of trial and error losing and gaining over 50 pounds numerous times, I’ve uncovered some principles that work well to help people find food they love, lose their excess fat, and keep it off. Now I’m sharing it all with you.
Here’s what my testers had to say about working with me on one of my programs:
“ I followed the Leaf System for the month of December and lost 5 pounds. These are stubborn pounds that I thought would never move, as I am getting close to my ideal weight. I loved the recipes and thought they were easy to prepare, which is important to working ladies, and were delicious. Having a Green Thickie for breakfast and lunch and a cooked dinner has become a way of life now for me. I have many of the Leaf System dinners in my regular rotation now.
I have 8 pounds left to go to reach my ideal weight and now that I have found that this system works I would love to continue on until the last pounds are gone and onward.”
Darlene Desveaux
“I’ve started this program as a tester. I’ve had more energy which I desperately needed, especially having a little one who keeps me on my toes. The meals were easy to make and tasted great. I’d switch from 2 thickies a day to 1 back and forth depending on my hunger. My hunger wasn’t bad. I never felt the need to snack in between meals. I definitely want to continue so I can get to where I want to be. This program is like no other, it really does work!”
Jennifer Aadnesen