The Lean Green Smoothie Challenge Thank You - Green Thickies: Filling Green Smoothie Recipes
Green Thickies: Complete Meal Green Smoothies

Thank you for your investment in your health today and for letting Green Thickies help you on your journey. Your FREE gift is on its way to your email inbox and will arrive in the next 10 minutes.  

If you have any questions, please contact [email protected] and we'd love to help. 

We will also be sending you some life changing information that will help you get started with Green Thickies, feel and look better than you ever have in your life.

While you’re waiting, there’s something I need to tell you...

You've made a smart choice, and here's why . . .

You got started with Green Thickies because you want to start your day with 10 times more energy than you normally have, avoid cravings and hunger pangs and fill you up until lunch time, and that's exactly what we're going to help you with..

But let me ask you a question...

Now that you're serious about improving your health and losing your excess weight , I'd like to also invite you to take these results to the next level and lose up to 1 dress size in 7 days.  

Yes this time next week, you could be one dress size lighter.  

How would you feel about yourself if you'd achieved this kind of success in just one week?

Drinking Green Thickies every day will leave you with no excuses not to get the results you deserve. 

So you can finally get back into those skinny jeans again - FAST.

I have something that I think you’re going to love...

Now, this offer is NOT for everyone.

We're only making it available to you because you proved you're an action taker when you took advantage of our FREE offer.

So now I'm going to make you a special, one-time offer that's only available right here, right now.

What I'm going to share with you right now will help you to lose weight in 7 days so you can finally get back into those skinny jeans again.

I have another product called "Green Thickies 7 Day Detox".

I don't have time to go over everything inside of the product because we could be here for hours...

But one of the methods inside that will give you the results you're looking for FAST is:

  • You will have a variety of recipes so you won't get bored - that are FAST to make and fast to consume.  You CAN fit this into your BUSY lifestyle.
  • And in just 7 days you'll feel a whole lot lighter and vibrant than you do right now.
  • Triple your energy levels overnight
  • Get rid of your sugar cravings in as little as 3 days

Let me explain to you what the Green Thickies 7 Day Detox is and how it will help you.

Green Thickies 7 Day Detox

Here's how and why I can make you this promise...

I dropped 5 dress sizes in just a few months, and got my health, my confidence and my life back...

My name is Katherine Kyle and I've helped thousands of people to reach their ideal weight with Green Thickies and recover from a variety of different health problems in the process. 

I've lost 56 pounds with Green Thickies and have been replacing 1-2 of my meals with them every day for over 7 years now to help me lose and maintain my weight.

What you get inside the Green Thickies 7 Day Detox

  • The downloadable ebook that will walk you step by step through the entire week from start to finish. 
  • A complete meal plan of the whole week containing quick delicious recipes with full colour photos of each recipe, all with ingredients you can find locally and based on real food.
  • Suitable for special diets including gluten-free, vegetarian, vegan, meat-free, dairy-free, egg-free, oil-free, whole foods, real food, refined sugar-free, and based on unprocessed ingredients.
Inside the 7 Day Diet Plan

The Green Thickies 7 Day Detox retails at $29 but today I am giving you a special price of just $7.97.  This is an over 70% discount...

I would love to see you feel a million times better this time next week.  I know there are so many different diets out there and you might be wondering if this is the right diet for you.  So let me encourage you to take action today with these instant bonuses for acting right now...​
  • BONUS 1: The secret to losing weight and keeping it off mini guides (Real Value: $18)
Sneak Peak Inside my 7 Day Diet Plan

Sneak Peak Inside my 7 Day Diet Plan

  • BONUS 2: Green Thickies 7 Day Detox Printables (Real Value: $17)
Join the lean green smoothie challenge
  • BONUS 3: 30 Days To A Toxic Free You ebook (Real Value: $25)
3 easy ways to remove toxins from your body

As you can see, these bonuses have a total value of $60... but they're yours when you act now!

And you have nothing to lose because you can...

Take A Full 30 Days To Put Us To The Test With Our Iron-Clad, Money-Back Guarantee

If "Green Thickies 7 Day Detox" doesn't give me so much energy that I actually WANT to start doing workouts... if it doesn't take me by the hand, step-by-step and help me naturally lose up to one dress size this week... or if it fails to significantly reduce my sugar cravings this week, then I understand that I will receive a full refund, No Questions Asked!!
As you can see all the risk is squarely on my shoulders, so....

Here's How To Order Right Now

So go ahead and click the button below right now and you'll be on your way to enjoying all the benefits we've talked about here and more! Let's get started right now!

Purchase Online with Credit Card by Secure Server or use PayPal. 

What will the Green Thickies 7 Day Detox do for you?

  1. Lose weight without exercise. They say abs are made in the kitchen and it's so true. How many times have you sweated it out in the gym and not even lost any weight? Exercise is great for your health, but if you want to lose weight, you must change what you eat.
  2. Lose weight without going hungry. Green Thickies are specifically designed to be a complete meal which means they contain healthy fats and natural sources of protein as well as low calorie high density foods like fruit and leafy greens. After 7 days of drinking Green Thickies most people feel so satisfied drinking Green Thickies as meals that they no longer need to snack at all. How would you feel if you could last between breakfast and lunch without thinking about food and still lose weight?
  3. Did you know that you can't crave what you don't eat? Once you've replaced your breakfasts with Green Thickies for 1-3 days, you will notice your cravings are almost completely gone. Most cravings are caused by either low blood sugar from eating refined sugars and refined carbs, or from a lack of nutrition in the diet. Green Thickies do not contain any refined sugars, just natural sugars and natural carbs from fruit and vegetables which is exactly the right fuel the body needs to beat sugar cravings for good. Despite all the negative press that fruit gets these days, eating fruit combined with healthy fats and natural protein has been proven to provide the optimal levels of nutrition you can get from your diet. Give it a try and see for yourself.
  4. Do you think you would eat more healthy food if you had already prepared your breakfast AND your lunch the night before? Imagine waking up and not having to think about what you're going to have for breakfast. Just open up the fridge and take out your Green Thickie and drink it. Take another Green Thickie with you for lunch. No more having to decide, should I have a sandwich for lunch or a mid morning cookie. You'll finally be able to stop thinking about food all the time when you've already got your meals with you, and you can drink them on the go even if you don't have time to sit down and eat your lunch.
  5. Imagine if you could have all this in just 2 minutes every day. Would you give up 2 minutes of your evening to lose weight without hunger or cravings, increase your energy in a healthy natural way and improve your confidence so you are finally proud of yourself every single day?

And that's just the tip of the iceberg of what you'll get with the Green Thickies 7 Day Detox!

Can you imagine what your life will be like when you have the ability to spend just 2 minutes preparing your Green Thickies every evening and have your breakfast and lunch ready to go in the morning. No excuses!... any time you want (or need to) - instantly?

So click the button below right now to get the Green Thickies 7 Day Detox.

I guarantee it will help you to lose weight in 7 days without hunger or cravings.

So you have no excuses not to have a Green Thickie every morning and even every lunch time and if you don't feel better with Green Thickies I'll cheerfully refund your money, no questions asked.

When you act now, you'll also receive the fast action bonuses: 

 The secret to losing weight and keeping it off mini guides (Real Value: $18),  for FREE.

And you'll also get Green Thickies 7 Day Detox Printables (Real Value: $17),  for FREE. . .

Plus, you'll get 30 Days To A Toxic Free You ebook (Real Value: $25) for FREE . . .

Green Thickies 7 Day Detox is available on my website for $29.

But right now, you have this ONE CHANCE to get it for only $7.97!


This one-time offer is only available right here, right now. When you leave this page, it's gone forever.

Now that you can start your day with 10 times more energy than you normally have, avoid cravings and hunger pangs and fill you up until lunch time.

Don't miss your chance to lose weight in 7 days WITHOUT hunger, cravings or spending hours in the kitchen each day. 

Don't just take my word for it, take a look at what others are saying about the Green Thickies 7 Day Detox . . .

"I started drinking The Basic Green Smoothie and it is one of the best things to ever happen to me !!! For one my hair grew two inches in a month a half just by drinking these smoothies.My hair has grown healthier longer and thicker. My nails have grown long and thick as well! My skin has cleared up and I have also lost weight by drinking two Green Thickies from a day from the smoothie bundle. I love the Green Thickies Life" Sarah

"I make a thickie every morning before work, feeling good about what I'm consuming. I get plenty of fruits and vegetables and healthy fats without being hungry all the time. I've lost eight pounds this month!" Anna

"I have more energy, clarity and focus to make it through the day without crashing. I am more revitalized in the morning and not as sluggish. It is aiding me in my weight loss. I've lost over 100 lbs so far drinking Green Thickies! " Suzanne 

What our customers are saying about Green Thickies...

Green Thickies: Filling Green Smoothie Testimonials
Green Thickies: Filling Green Smoothie Testimonials
Green Thickies: Filling Green Smoothie Testimonials
Green Thickies: Filling Green Smoothie Testimonials
Green Thickies: Filling Green Smoothie Testimonials
Green Thickies: Filling Green Smoothie Testimonials

Click the orange button below to get your copy of Green Thickies 7 Day Detox now before this offer expires.
