Essential oils have changed my life – and believe me, I was a skeptic when I was first introduced to them. How on earth could a sniff of this or a rub of that help to keep my family healthy?
But before I explain why essential oils are so great, and what they actually are, check out my story below so you can understand why I am so passionate about these oils.
My story
I am so blessed to have found these amazing products that have given me such amazing health. I am happy, healthy and full of energy and I thank God every single day for these amazing products that have given me such a level of vitality that I have never experienced in my life before now. To read my full story, click here. or watch my video below:
This photo says it all! Everyone I know tells me how alive and healthy I look now and I have Young Living to thank for that.
What are essential oils?
Essential oils are the oil of the plant from which they were extracted. They’re basically concentrated herbs! They contain all the goodness that protects and maintains the plant, and we can use them to help support our own bodies’ health and wellness.
There are many different kinds of oils out there, and they all have different properties and uses. From well-known plants like Peppermint and Eucalyptus to unusual and exotic ones like Petitgrain and Spikenard, there’s a huge range to choose from – and they each provide all sorts of different benefits and uses.
How can essential oils help promote the health and wellbeing of you and your family?
I’m no scientist (and you probably aren’t either), so I’ll explain how essential oils have helped my loved ones and me…
My kids and I often have trouble winding down at night – Lavender is my go-to for this: it relaxes us, calms us down, and takes the edge off any worries.
I also combine Lavender with Lemon and Peppermint to support my body’s respiratory. I don’t have any troubles at all with my breathing and I don’t have any unusual reactions to the environment.
Peppermint gets used while I’m at work: I put it in the diffuser in my home office, and it helps me to focus so much better and enjoy what I’m working on. I have it in my diffuser right now as I’m typing this!
Those are just three examples, but essential oils have also replaced many everyday products that I used to spend a fortune on. I now clean my home with oil-infused natural cleaners rather than toxic chemicals from the supermarket, for example. I cleanse my face with oil-infused natural products too. And everyone in the family benefits from using calming essential oils in the diffuser before bedtime!
Can you just use any essential oils?
In my opinion, no. I’ve done a lot of research into this and if you ask me, there’s one particular brand that stands head and shoulders above the rest: Young Living.
Introducing Young Living Essential Oils!
There are many reasons why this brand is so great, but here are my three favorites:
1: The source matters
One of the most important things I’ve learned in my journey to healthy living is that it’s not just what something is – it’s where it comes from, how it’s grown, and how it’s processed. Whether it’s blueberries fresh from the farm, or cows on green pasture, or a soft organic t-shirt, I know that the source matters.
I did many hours of research to find an essential oil company that I felt I could trust with my family’s health. Young Living is that company: they truly care about quality.
To ensure the purity of their oils, the team at Young Living set the highest standards for planting, harvesting, and distilling on the farms they own and co-op. And if I’m going to be putting products on my family’s skin and around our home, I want to know they’re pure and unadulterated!
2: You become part of a big, friendly community
As a Young Living customer, you automatically become a member of a big oily family. It’s a wonderful feeling to know you have the help and reassurance of a generous and caring community of moms, experts, and lifelong users.
I’ve been using my oils for a little while now, but I still reach out to the our close-knit community to share testimonials and we all learn from each other.
3: The Young Living Premium Starter Kit is the best introduction to essential oils (and it’s such great value, too!)
No other essential oils company offers such a great-value and comprehensive range of products to get you started.
The Young Living Premium Starter Kit contains your everyday staples – all the oils and equipment you’ll want to have on hand for a variety of situations. There’s an excellent user guide, too, which will help you understand how to use everything contained in the kit.
Here’s what else is great: once you buy the Premium Starter Kit, you automatically become a “wholesale member” of Young Living. This means you can continue to buy other Young Living products for a huge 24% discount off the retail price! You’re under zero obligation to buy any other products as a wholesale member, but if you do, you get 24% off!
Ready to buy your Young Living Premium Starter Kit?
Here’s what you get:
Ten 5ml bottles of essential oils: Lavender, Peppermint, Lemon, Frankincense, PanAway, Stress Away, Thieves, Purification, Melaleuca Alternifolia, and Joy. Plus a bonus bottle of the popular Citrus Fresh blend. (This is the contents of the US kit. All other countries will receive Valor and Peace and calming instead of Citrus fresh and melaleuca) Scroll down to the bottom of the page to see how I use these essential oils every day.
- A home diffuser with optional light, optional 30-second intervals, and auto-shut-off.
- Aroma Glide roller fitment (to turn any oil into a roll-on)
- Two sample packets each of Lavender, Peppermint, Peace & Calming, Lemon, and Thieves (for you to share with your friends)
- Two NingXia Red 2oz samples (an antioxidant drink concentrate that’s a great supplement for supporting health and wellbeing)
Total value: $300
You pay: $150 – that’s 50% off!
And remember: once you’ve purchased the kit, you automatically become a wholesale member – which entitles you to 24% off all future purchases from Young Living! There are NO monthly minimums or fees.
Step-by-step: purchase your Premium Starter Kit
- Click on the link below to sign up.
- Select “Sign up as: Young Living Wholesale Member” – which will allow you to purchase the Premium Starter Kit.
Remember: you’re NOT obligated to make any further purchases after this. Wholesale membership simply allows you to buy the Premium Starter Kit at a huge discount.
- Fill out your name, billing address, shipping address, and contact information. (You’ll be asked for your social security number in case you want to become a distributor of Young Living products in future. This information will never be shared with anyone.)
- Create your password and PIN – which you’ll use to log in to your account and order any future oils.
- Select your order: the “Premium”, “Basic “Plus” or “Basic” Starter Kit. I highly recommend the Premium: it comes with everything you need to get started, and it’s the best value of the three.
- Optional: sign up for the frequent buyers’ club called Essential Rewards (ER). When you join, you’ll start accumulating rewards points for everything you buy, which can be used to get free products on future orders. There’s no need to join right away – you can purchase your Starter Pack first and join the ER club later if you prefer. I also give 4 free books to my members on essential oils so it’s more than worth giving it a try because you can cancel at any time.
- Agree to the Terms & Conditions.
- CONFIRM YOUR ORDER! I’ve had many folks miss this step and end up not fully checking out – and I don’t want you missing out on your oils!
Some great ways to use the essential oils in your Premium Starter Pack
Each of the oils in your Premium Starter Pack has SO many fabulous uses, but here are some of the ways in which I like to use them:
Congratulations on starting your oily adventure! I’ll be sending you a welcome email soon, which contains tons of resources and information about getting started.
Business Opportunity
Please note – you DO NOT have to do the business to use the product – in fact most wholesale members only use the product because the product is amazing! But they can’t help but share this product with their friends and family, so it’s a bonus that you can get paid for doing what you would do naturally which is share things that work! Curious about getting paid for sharing your oils? Read more here.
How to make your own homemade products
If you would like more ways to use your essential oils, check out my book on Amazon – 30 Days to a Toxic Free You!
*Added Bonus* When you enroll with me, you will get a copy of this book and get access to join my exclusive team Facebook group . It is a really amazing community where you can submit oil questions, recipes, and how to successfully use the oils in your everyday life. We also do weekly giveaways for my members and send out many samples. We can’t wait to welcome you to our community.Katherine Kyle