After reading this easy guide, you will understand how to make a green smoothie in 5 quick steps. This green smoothie recipe is life changing because…
20 Ways to Make Homemade Meal Replacement Shakes for Weight Loss (suitable for all special diets)
20 ingredients to add to your smoothies to turn them into meal replacement shakes. Includes my favorite meal replacement shake recipes. The best one is…
How I Lost 56 Pounds With The Green Smoothie Diet
“I lost 56 pounds on a green smoothie diet.” Find out how you can too, take the 7 day Green Thickie Challenge and find many delicious smoothie recipes.
2 Minute Meal Replacement Powder Recipe (vegan, gluten free)
This Homemade Hunger Buster Smoothie Powder Mix Recipe will turn your smoothie into a complete filling meal. The reason why it works so well is…
189 Smoothie Ingredients List: Calories, Protein, Carbs, Fat
This incredibly useful smoothie ingredient list helps you plan the calories, protein, carbs, and fat in your smoothies. Print this out as you’ll use it daily.