This green smoothie is luxurious and creamy. The only greens it contains is avocado which makes it even more creamy and filling than your average green thickie. The colour is also creamy so you would never know this was a green thickie. This makes it a perfect smoothie to convince your friends and family that they adore green thickies.
Secret Slimming Mango And Coconut Green Thickie Recipe
This is my staple. I lived on this smoothie for most breakfasts for about 6 months after my baby was born. Variety is very important but I was just too engrossed in all things baby to think of many other concoctions. Plus my husband loved it and I knew it was a winning formula. It has a lovely sweet taste with no surprises so this is an all round winner. If you want to convert anyone to Green Thickies, this smoothie will do it every time.