I have spent a long time looking for a workout that I really like, and I have finally found it.
So I wanted to ask you if you wanted to join me doing a workout challenge for 3 months? I got inspired by the before and after photos of people completely transforming their bodies by spending less time working out.
Sounds like a good workout to me!
Now that I’m back in my healthy weight range again I’m pretty content that I’m fairly healthy. I’ve definitely been a lot slimmer than I am now, but I know that I’m healthy which is the main thing.
** Please note that this post may contain affiliate links which means that I can receive a small payment if you make a purchase through my links.
Except when I’m by the pool – and I kind of wished I looked like this:
Linda Loses 28 Pounds in LESS Than 12 Weeks Without Feeling Deprived or Depleted!
Linda said “I planned my workouts around my families’ schedule which is very easy to do with Turbulence Training.”
When you see before and after photos like this what do you think?
Do you think “that’s great but I could never look like that”.
But why not you?
Why not me?
Why don’t we change that inner voice to “if she can do it, I can do it”?
Are you ready for a challenge?
Would you like to spend the next 3 months doing this workout along with me and get into the best shape you’ve ever been in your life?
I have started doing this workout and I absolutely love it. It’s so quick and I only have to do it 3 times a week so it barely has an impact on my week at all.
I am going to stick to The Leaf System meal plans as strictly as I can and do this workout for 3 months. I can’t wait to share my results with you – and I want to see your results too!
If you’re ready to join me – click here to read more about this workout.
7 Top Weight Loss Mistakes
According to Craig Ballantyne, who created this workout, here are the “Seven Mistakes People Make When Trying to Lose Fat”
- People simply fail to consider the consequences of their actions.
Alwyn Cosgrove (one of the top trainers in the business) once said, “I get my clients to think, ‘Will this help me or not? Is this a positive step or not?’ If you can see that every action that you take is either helping you lose fat or stopping you from losing fat, then you will start to make better choices.” So remember that everything you put in your mouth is either for or against fat loss. And every exercise choice you make is either for or against fat loss. “Get that”, Alwyn says, “and you’re a hit.”
- People neglect to control their insulin and blood sugar levels – 2 key factors in determining whether or not the body fat will come off.
If you eat processed foods you are guaranteed to elevate your insulin & blood sugar levels. If you do that, your body sends the message, “Store fat!”, and you won’t make any progress. So avoid white-flour based bakery products, sugary drinks, and almost any carbohydrate snack that comes in a bag or a box.
- People train like it’s the 80’s.
Yes, I know. Eighties music is popular again. But that doesn’t mean ineffective training methods from the 80’s like light weights, low intensity steady state cardio, and endless low-intensity ab work should also make a comeback. That type of training should stay buried in the back issues of cheesy muscle magazines. Stick to strength training and interval training for efficient and effective body changing routines.
I know that the “fat-burning” zone and “morning cardio on an empty stomach” has been drilled into your heads by well-meaning trainers and articles, but science just doesn’t support this.
The latest on fat loss research from Australia has shown that a 20-minute interval program led to significantly more weight loss than 40-minute aerobic sessions.
We must adapt our programs to the science in order to succeed. Don’t be left behind!
- People don’t take 30 minutes to plan their next day’s food intake.
If you fail to do this, you will set your fat loss efforts back by a minimum of 72 hours. Without a good meal plan, you are left to hunt and gather food in the modern world. And that’s a recipe for fat loss disaster. You are bound to eat something processed if you aren’t prepared. You will lose the fat burning benefits from yesterday’s workout and it will take until the end of the following day to get back on track. An entire 72-hour period wasted.
- People don’t eat enough vegetables.
We can thank John Berardi for making it common knowledge that you should eat fiber-rich vegetables at every meal to assist your fat loss efforts. By doing so, you’ll control your blood sugar and insulin – thus supporting the optimal hormonal situation for fat loss.
- People screw up their hormones with poor lifestyle choices.
If you are out boozing and staying up late on the weekend, you are shutting down your fat loss and messing up the optimal hormonal environment for fat burning.
- People don’t plan and monitor their training sessions.
If you are still going to the gym without a plan, then you are going to have a hard time losing fat. And if you aren’t recording your workouts and eating habits, then you aren’t losing as much fat as you probably can. To fix this mistake, start by getting on track with strength training and interval training. It’s guaranteed to get you lean.
I know that your motivation is high at this time of the year because we’re coming into the season of the little black dress. So grab a good program based on science, add to that a nutrition PLAN (that is actually planned out on paper – like The Leaf System), and get some social support on your side and you will succeed this year.
Click here to get your very own copy of Turbulence Training.
Katherine ‘feeling motivated’ Kyle
p.s. become a TT Success Story just like these men and women “TT Training has revolutionized my workout routine–NO more excuses! No time for the gym…NO problem, can’t go outside…No problem! The bodyweight workouts kept me strong this fall.”
Mary Iverson
Get your very own copy of Turbulence Training & the Nutrition Guide here.
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I’m so excited to continue another week with this plan! Thankful Stephanie
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