Here are 13 of the best resistance band workouts that you can do anywhere to help sculpt the perfect body. Number 3 is the most effective because…
10 Best Raw Dehydrator Recipes
I’ve put together a delicious collection of my 10 best raw dehydrator recipes for you so you can get stuck into dehydrating. I adore dehydrating. It saves me time, money, makes recipes easier, makes my food digest easier, makes portable meals, makes food last longer and I can make yummy treats such as kale chips!
Why Is Everybody Going Crazy About The Wim Hof Method?
The Wim Hof Method has changed our understanding of what our bodies are actually capable of! Wim Hof now proves scientifically that we can immediately change our immune system just by doing 3 simple things. Using his methods have completely changed my life and changed me as a person. Watch this video to discover what the Wim Hof Method is and how it can change your life too!
10 Yoga For Weight Loss Workouts
Here are my favourite 10 yoga for weight loss workouts. I’ve now given up aerobics and intensive workouts but I still love to do exercise that will build muscle and keep the weight off. Yoga is perfect for this as it gets the energy flowing around the body and prevents blockages that can stop you losing weight.
17 Easy Homemade Energy Drinks
Here are 17 of the best healthy homemade energy drinks to help you truly boost your energy and your vitality.
Do you regularly drink ‘energy’ drinks in the hope they are going to boost your energy?
Did you know they are actually extremely harmful for your health for SO many reasons and they will end up zapping your energy and causing you even more health problems in the long term.
So what’s the solution to increasing your energy?
Natural energy drinks are good for your body, they actually do increase your energy levels AND you will end up with better health in the long term.