Why buy a processed syrup laden energy drink when you can make the world’s healthiest energy drink in just a couple of minutes?
Anti Cellulite Smoothing Whipped Body Butter
This light and fluffy anti-cellulite body butter smells divine and actually works! You’ll have smoother legs in no time!
“5 Minute Whip It Up” Homemade Moisturizer for Dry Skin
This homemade “whip it up” moisturizer for dry skin takes 5 minutes, only uses 3 ingredients, lasts for a long time out of the fridge and is hard to mess up!
12 Herbs or Plants Best At Deflecting Negative Energy
There are specific herbs that have used been for a very long time, that have the impact of deflecting and transforming negative energies. This is largely the basis of many therapeutic essential oils. Here are 12 excellent herbs at deflecting negative energy. Find out what they are!
Luxurious Easy Anti-wrinkle Cream Recipe
This homemade anti-wrinkle cream is better than any store bought cream you can find. See the before and after photos and find out what the secret ingredient it.