Can you resonate with this lady’s weight loss struggle?
“I go to gym regularly (about 3 times per week) and I run / hike 2 to 3 times per week. I’ve been doing this for a year and a half now!!
My food is pretty much proteins (fish, chicken, red meat, beans, milk, cheese, cottage cheese…) and some carbs (pasta, rice), plus quality fats (mostly fish oil, olive oil and flaxseed oil).
My body fat is still high though.
My body shape is not that bad (muscles are visible) as I’ve gained some decent muscle mass, but the thing that annoys me still is the fat around my waist (mostly on my back side). I hate it. It won’t come off.
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What am I doing wrong?
I do fat burning exercises (running…) and I do weight lifting in order to avoid burning my muscles.
I eat about 10% less calories than my BMR is.
In the winter time I ate a little more calories because I was gaining muscle mass.
I have a fast metabolism (I have to go to the toilette right after I eat meal) and I drink green tea / coffee as well.
I am hungry all the time and I don’t track my calories because I assumed that because I am hungry that I am eating less calories than I need.
What am I doing wrong??”
Firstly I want to address a few things that this lady said.
She is doing a good amount of exercise which is good and healthy, but doing more exercise unfortunately often doesn’t lead to weight loss. (I still highly recommend it for good health and motivation to eat healthy).
Diet is the most important thing when it comes to weight loss.
And if we want to get even more specific about it, we don’t just want any weight loss, we want fat loss.
When you are working out a lot, you might be building muscle at the same time as losing fat, which may cause your weight to stay static while you get slimmer.
So I would suggest always measuring yourself as well as weighing yourself for a true picture of what is happening to your body.
But as this lady says that she is unhappy with the amount of visible fat on her body, she is obviously carrying too much fat around with her despite her best efforts.
She thinks she is eating 10% less calories than she needs, but later on admits that she doesn’t track her calories.
So her main problems are:
She is still eating more calories than she needs.
But also she is hungry all the time which means she is eating foods that are spiking her blood sugar levels.
Some of the foods that are the worst for spiking your blood sugar levels are dairy and white carbs such as pasta and white rice.
I would suggest that she cuts out dairy, white flour products and refined sugar for at least a week to see what effect this has on her blood sugar levels.
I think she will be surprised after she does this.
So we’ve taken some food out that isn’t serving her, but what about foods that we need to add in?
She doesn’t mention fruit and veg at all in her list of foods that she eats.
Fruit and veg are the most critical foods for us to eat because they contain nutrients that our bodies need to function properly (and part of functioning properly is natural weight loss).
But fruit and veg also contain something vital to our health, something that I think this lady is getting very little of….
Fiber is a food that our bodies can’t function properly without, and it is also crucial for weight loss because fiber fills us up and helps our digestion work properly.
Soluble fiber, which is found in cucumbers, blueberries, and nuts, helps to slow down your digestion.
This helps you to feel full longer and is one reason why fiber may help with weight loss.
Insoluble fiber, which is found in foods like leafy greens, celery, and carrots, does not dissolve at all and helps add bulk to your stool.
This helps food to digest more quickly for healthy elimination.
Many whole foods, such as fruits and vegetables, contain both soluble and insoluble fiber, and we need both for good health.
So I would advise this lady to increase her levels of healthy fiber from whole foods (focusing on vegetables rather than grains).
I would suggest she replaces the white carbs and dairy with an abundance of vegetables, fruit and leafy greens, and she will notice her energy levels soaring and her fat finally starting to decrease.
It will also naturally help her to reduce her fat intake, as she will be getting a lot of her calories from fat at the moment.
Good fat is essential in the diet, but it’s very easy to overeat fat, so we still have to be sensible when it comes to eating fatty foods, even healthy ones.
It also might do her good to have a break from animal products for a week to detox her body.
If she does that, it is quite likely she could actually lose a dress size in one week.
All this advice can sound quite simple, but it can actually be hard to put it into practice if you’re not used to it.
That’s why I created a FREE calorie counted 7 day cleanse to take the stress out of losing weight.
If you would like to drop a dress size this week and finally start losing that fat that’s been weighing you down, click the link HERE to get started!
Katherine ‘focus on fiber’ Kyle
Are you struggling to lose weight and keep it off?
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Hi Katherine,I just wanted to tell you I completed the 7 day detox and I feel so great.
I have lost 6lbs, do not feel like I need more my morning coffee, the flushing of my facial skin from rosacea has dramatically reduced and I am so excited to wake up each morning and make a green thickie for breakfast!!
I am a stay at-home, homeschooling momma of 3 littles and at times so busy I would forget to feed myself!
I would go most of the day without eating and then snack on random things.
I gained 60 pounds the last 6 years during pregnancy.
I have lost 30lbs but recently plateaued and have felt so frustrated.
I’ve tried everything from paleo and keto to the point where I didn’t know what to eat or how much and felt like even eating fruit was bad for me which thankfully it’s not!
What a game changer for me. Thank you for sharing a simple but effective program.
I’m so excited to continue another week with this plan! Thankful Stephanie
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