Replace your coffee with this Peaches and Cream Smoothie for more energy
Start drinking this Peaches and Cream smoothie instead of your morning coffee and you’ll soon see an end to your caffeine cravings. Not only that but you’ll have a natural energy boost that will stay with you all day long avoiding that afternoon slump.
I’m going to tell you about why I had to suddenly stop drinking coffee, how to reduce your cravings and how to open a mature brown coconut. I also have a delicious peaches and cream smoothie for you today.
How to easily give up your morning coffee
Coffee is very addictive. Almost the entire nation needs to start their day with either a coffee or tea before they feel normal again. Caffeine does give you a boost and wake you up but only if you have it infrequently. If it’s a regular habit, studies have shown that people feel the same level of tiredness as people who don’t drink caffeinated drinks regularly.
It’s very hard to wean yourself off coffee. It never agreed with me and I used to suffer awfully from insomnia. I got my coffee drinking habit down to just one cup a day but gave it up completely after I actually ended up in hospital on my honeymoon after drinking a large coffee. Once I got off the plane I was in such agonising pain I couldn’t stand and I was whisked off in a wheelchair. Not the ideal way to start a marriage but it was the wake up call I needed that I needed to start waking up without a morning cup of coffee.
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It was easy for me to stop drinking coffee but I hope you don’t have to suffer as badly as I did before you give up your daily caffeine fix and I am going to tell you how you can give up coffee easily without so many withdrawal symptoms and cravings.
The secret is, simply replace your morning coffee with a green thickie and pretty soon you won’t have any cravings for coffee at all. The greens in the smoothie give you so many nutrients that it reduces the cravings for unhealthy foods. I’ve already heard of this happening over and over and I’d love for it to work for you so easily too. Give it a try tomorrow and tell me how you got on.
[tweetherder]Replace your morning coffee with a green smoothie and watch your cravings fade away[/tweetherder]
Opening a mature brown coconut
Would you believe this was the first time I’d ever opened a coconut in my life? When I lived in Glasgow I managed to get hold of some young Thai coconuts but I didn’t open them myself. But I’d read how easy it was to actually open a coconut so I thought I’d give it a go myself. I can only get the mature brown coconuts now but I suddenly thought to myself, why am I paying for dried coconut and coconut milk when I have the whole coconut here for a fraction of the price?
The trick with opening a coconut is to look at the 3 round circles on the end of the coconut and find the weakest one. I stuck a sharp knife into each of them and one allowed me to pierce it easily. So I twisted the knife round in a circle until I’d made a hole. You can then either drink the gorgeous coconut water with a straw straight out of the coconut or pour it into a bowl. You might want to sieve it first as there might be some brown bits that have dropped in.
The next part is the fun part. It requires some force to break apart the coconut so what I did was put it inside a couple of bags, take it outside and smash it down on the ground a good few times until it broke into several pieces. The neighbours probably thought I’d gone mad. Then again they probably already think that as I’m always outside taking photos of my drinks!
Now give the coconut pieces a wash and you should hopefully be able to peel the coconut away from the shell. A brown layer will still be stuck to the coconut. This is fine to eat especially if you blend it up so you can just leave that on.
Now your coconut is ready to add to your smoothies or other recipes.
Peaches and Cream Smoothie
Don’t worry if you can’t get hold of a whole coconut or don’t have time to open a coconut. You can use any other type of coconut for this smoothie but coconut milk would probably work the best.
Once you try this smoothie in place of your morning coffee you’ll never want to go back to coffee again. It’s gorgeous. It just tastes like pure cream.
This is also a very simple recipe only containing 5 ingredients. You’re very welcome to leave out the spinach but you will feel so much better if you add it in and you won’t be able to taste it at all.

Peaches and Cream Smoothie (Green Smoothie/Green Thickie)
- 1 Cup of Water Replace half of this with ice for a cooler smoothie
- 1 Cup of Coconut Meat You can use half a cup of coconut milk or dried shredded coconut
- 2 Peaches chopped
- 2 Apples chopped
- 1 Cup of tightly packed Spinach or other mild greens
- If you want this to be more filling you can add in 1 cup of Oats and 1/2 to 1 cup of extra water.
- Blend the ingredients in the order listed. Add more water if required to thin it out. Substitute any of the ingredients for whatever you already have. If your smoothie is too warm, you can cool it down in the fridge
Gluten free*, raw*, vegetarian, vegan, dairy free, egg free, sugar free, wheat free*, soya free*, salt free, nut free*
* If you want to check if you can drink green thickies on your special diet please read this first. This will suggest some substitutions so you can still enjoy Green Thickies with ingredients you can tolerate.
So do you feel inspired to give up coffee? How many caffeinated drinks do you have a day? Have you ever opened a coconut yourself? I’d love to hear from you so please take a minute to leave a comment and say hello below. Many thanks
KatherineCatch Up on all Green Thickie posts you have missed here.
I have shared this post on Foodie Fridays, Wellness Weekends, Real Foods Wednesday, Fat Tuesday, Gluten Free Fridays, Healthy Vegan Fridays.
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Hi Katherine,I just wanted to tell you I completed the 7 day detox and I feel so great.
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- Why You Can’t Eat Your 5 A Day (And The EASY SOLUTION) - November 29, 2021
- 10 Second Banana Ice Cream Recipe (Using Only Bananas) - November 1, 2020
Adelina Priddis says
I don’t drink coffee, but this sounds like a great smoothie!
Katherine Natalia @ Green Thickies says
That’s great you don’t drink coffee! Thank you, yes it’s a gorgeous smoothie. Thank you for visiting Green Thickies.
Kathleen @ KatsHealthCorner says
Delicious! I always love me some peaches in a smoothie. ;)