Persimmon Smoothie Dessert
Persimmon Pie
This smoothie takes the word ‘thickie’ to a new level. When a persimmon is blended it becomes very thick and gelatinous which is perfect for making thick smoothies. I didn’t actually add any oats so this smoothie so it’s not really a meal replacement smoothie, it’s more of a dessert and I ate it with a spoon it was so thick.
I’ve never really been able to get hold of persimmons in the UK until now apart from these really tiny persimmons called sharon fruit that were always bashed when I cut into them. My local shop has now started stocking larger persimmons which I was over the moon about. I absolutely adore these fruits.
How to tell when a persimmon is ripe
The only problem with persimmons especially in this country is that they take so long to ripen. They are never ripe when I buy them so I have to wait until they are ripe before I can use them and that takes ages! I sit them on the window sill and over the summer they would take a couple of weeks to ripen but now that it’s winter I’ve had a bowl of persimmons sitting on my window sill for literally a couple of months and they still haven’t ripened. I think we just don’t get enough daylight or sunshine in this country especially in the winter to ripen fruit very well. So there is a danger of them going off before they’ve ripened.
You can tell a persimmon is ripe when it’s almost turned to mush! It has to be very squash-able so when you pick it up you’re in danger of crushing it, like a very ripe tomato (which by the way should be sat out on your window sill to ripen too, not put straight in your fridge). Once the persimmon is very ripe you can keep it for a couple of days in the fridge and use it pretty soon after.
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How to eat a persimmon
You can eat a persimmon in the same way as a tomato. You can either eat it whole including the skin or you can chop it removing the stalk from the top. It’s up to you whether you peel it or not but it’s quite hard to get the peel off when it’s properly ripe so I just eat the whole thing. I usually chop it and eat it with a spoon in a bowl as it’s so mushy.
Persimmon Smoothie Dessert
This smoothie/dessert tastes like Angel Delight to me. This is a British packet dessert that is whipped with milk a bit like a vanilla mousse so if you’re not from the UK you might not have a clue what I’m talking about but it’s one of the things everyone of my age would have grown up with. I remember them being lovely but probably very unhealthy! Believe me when I tell you this smoothie is gorgeous!
My new blog
Now that I’ve got a lot more energy back during this pregnancy I’m finally getting more time to do all the things I was thinking about while I was exhausted during the first trimester. So I’ve decided that not only am I going to do more green thickie recipes for this blog, but I’ve also started a new blog called Love Health Love Life. There is so much about general health and other recipes that I’d love to share but I wanted to keep this blog quite specific and mainly about smoothies, smoothie ingredients and smoothie related articles. The web address is Find out more about me on this blog and read my first post where I tell you why I’ve created another blog and my second post which is a 7 Day Real Food Diet Plan that will get your weight shifted before you know it. It included smoothies for breakfast so feel free to add any of the Green Thickie Recipes. I’d love to know what you think of it.

Persimmon Smoothie Dessert
- 4 Cups of chopped Persimmons
- 3 Cups of Water
- 1/4 Cup of Pecans
- 4 Tablespoons of Date Paste or 4 pitted dates or 1/4 Cup of dried fruit, or other healthy sweetener to taste
- 1/2 teaspoon Vanilla
- 1/2 teaspoon Cinnamon
- Blend until smooth. You may need to add a bit more water depending on your blender and how thick you want your smoothie/dessert to be. 3 cups of water will make a very thick dessert it would be better to eat with a spoon.
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Hi Katherine,I just wanted to tell you I completed the 7 day detox and I feel so great.
I have lost 6lbs, do not feel like I need more my morning coffee, the flushing of my facial skin from rosacea has dramatically reduced and I am so excited to wake up each morning and make a green thickie for breakfast!!
I am a stay at-home, homeschooling momma of 3 littles and at times so busy I would forget to feed myself!
I would go most of the day without eating and then snack on random things.
I gained 60 pounds the last 6 years during pregnancy.
I have lost 30lbs but recently plateaued and have felt so frustrated.
I’ve tried everything from paleo and keto to the point where I didn’t know what to eat or how much and felt like even eating fruit was bad for me which thankfully it’s not!
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Choc Chip Uru says
Haha I’m loving this dessert gone drink style :)
Choc Chip Uru
Katherine Natalia @ Green Thickies says
Thank you!
Gabby @ the veggie nook says
Hmm I have never been a persimmon person but this is making me want to try :)
P.S. Got your email, so lovely to hear from you :)
Katherine Natalia @ Green Thickies says
Ha ha, there are so many fruits that I want to try that I can’t get here so I’m probably more excited about persimmons that the average person who has always been able to get them. However I’m not loving my massive bowl of still unripe persimmons after a couple of months. That can’t be right surely. They’ve not gone off! Glad you got my email :)
Deanna says
There are several kinds of persimmon. Most varieties (Hachiya is a common one)are ripe when soft, but Fuju persimmons are ripe when firm (just slightly softened, and orange in color). They are my favorite, and crunch like an apple. Fujus will get soft eventually, but take a long time. Their flavor is not as good once they get mushy. Fujus are a short, flat bottomed persimmon. Hachiyas are more oval shaped. I don’t know which kind you are getting there, and if you already know all this, I apologize.
MarthaLA says
I’m lucky to have my very own persimmon tree. Just so the squirrels don’t eat them all while they’re still green. They’re about golf ball size right now. Tanenashi, I believe, is the variety I have; they are soft when ripe, shaped rather like an acorn, perhaps rounder, with slightly pointed bottom. I wonder if the last batch you have is Fuyu, the ‘hard’ crisp kind? Those are very good, too, somewhat like an apple in texture but very juicy when you bite into them. The skin on the Fuyu isn’t noticeable when eating it; the skin on a ripe Tanenashi is rather papery and tastes sort of bitter to me. The latter I usually cup in my hand, cut the top off, and scoop out by the spoonful.
A note on ripening fruit, including tomatoes, on a window sill: I hope you don’t mean in direct sunlight, which just heats up the fruit and would hasten its spoilage. It’s more effective to put two or three in a paper bag and close the top to trap the ethylene gas which prompts ripening. The light doesn’t really affect ripening.
I’m looking forward to a persimmon smoothie this fall (if the squirrels will just leave me a few). Thank you for all the delectable looking recipes. Best wishes for the new baby (whenever it decides to appear).
Georgia Bohlman says
I live in Indiana and have a persimmon tree in my backyard (which has put up several more trees off of the root). The persimmon we have here aren’t anything like the ones you all are talking about (I think).
Anyway, around here we have to have a frost, so they say, but I have found that once the temperature drops down to around 40* or lower, the fruit will ripen.
So..I was wondering if you put them in the fridge and then took them back out the next day?? You might experiment on one to see.
Just one more comment, I grew up in a town that has a yearly persimmon festival in September, with persimmon recipe contests
Katherine Kyle @ Green Thickies says
Wow that’s so interesting that it actually ripened when the temperature lowered! Thanks so much, I’m going to try that!