Today I’m giving you a sneak peak behind the scenes…
You wouldn’t believe how much effort goes into making sure the meals I create are the healthiest, tastiest, quickest, calorie counted and most balanced meals you’ve ever tasted!
Sometimes you may follow a diet, and their own criteria is counting calories with not a thought about how healthy the ingredients are.
Or at the other end of the scale, you get meal plans that are all about healthy ingredients, but no regard to how many calories are in the meals, so people actually end up gaining weight on them!
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But The Leaf System is different. I wanted to make sure that you got it all, that you got the best results of your life and enjoyed every single bite or sip along the way.
So I thought I’d shoot a quick video for you that explains exactly what goes into the process of creating these meal plans for you.
I thought that you might be interested in taking a sneaky peak behind the scenes of The Leaf System meal planning system.
So I just wanted to share with you how we go about choosing and creating the meals for the leaf system, because we have a very, very strict criteria.
We want all of the meals to be:
- Super, super healthy and very delicious!
- Calorie counted.
- Easy to prepare.
- And look appealing.
So, there are many, many things that go into them.
And I just wanted to let you know how strict we are about the meals and how we choose them so that you can rest assure that you have got really good nutrition in your hands when you follow the leaf system meals.
This is my extensive checklist of criteria that has to be in every single leaf system meal.
We deliver two meal plans every single month.
- Vegan
- Meat-based Paleo style eating
And both meal plans include seven breakfasts, seven lunches and seven dinners.
They are also calorie counted up to a maximum of 1,300 calories a day to make sure that you lose weight.
And on weekends they lower because you can have a couple of snacks of your choice at the weekends to be a bit more flexible.
Each meal is around about 400 calories and the exact calories are listed on every single meal for you.
And there are five Green Thickies in each meal plan which are breakfast everyday. They can be lunches but we also include different lunches if you want and some different breakfasts as well.
And all green thickies should include at least five ingredients. They include fruit, leafy greens, a healthy filler, protein source and dairy-free liquid. And item number six is optional; sweeteners such as dates or other dried fruits, stevia maple syrup, date syrup, date paste or raw honey.
And all the meal plans use a variety of different easy to buy meats on the meat based plan only. So these are meats that you can find very easily. They’re not very obscure, very expensive meats. And hopefully meats that you can get pasteurised or organic if possible.
And there are some egg-based meals on the meat plan.
The vegan plan is to be suitable for vegans.
And most of them should have at least one protein source so that meals are filling and balanced.
And occasionally we include bread type recipes but only if you can make them from scratch easily with very healthy foods like no yeast, no refined sugar, that kind of thing. So for example, like wraps and paleo breads are much easier to make because you can throw the ingredients in your blender, blends it very quick, pour it into a bread pan and bake it. And it is so, so easy and tasty!
And every meal should also include leafy greens because it’s not called the leaf system for no reason.
It’s called the Leaf System because you are going to be getting more leafy greens than you’ve probably ever eaten in your life! And your health is going to go through the roof as a result!
This is the thing that sets this meal plan apart from any of the meal plans out there; we go above and beyond to make sure that leafy greens are a big, big feature in this meal plan.
But don’t worry if you don’t like leafy greens because you won’t be able to taste them because we have snuck them in very nicely into our meals so that you can’t taste them, especially the green thickies or the cooked dinners.
You can sneak in some leafy greens at the end and you won’t even notice they’re there.
And we don’t want the recipes to have a long ingredients list.
And all the ingredients are unprocessed. And it won’t include any kind of free farm or gluten-free food, dairy-free food, that kind of thing, because anything that is labelled like that is a processed food and therefore it’s not healthy for you.
So these meals are made up completely from scratch with single ingredients in a list.
And they are also made up from everyday ingredients that can be bought locally so there won’t be any really expensive specialised ingredients in these plans. They’re just healthy, whole, real food!
And most of the plans are seasonal to the U.S. where ever possible.
And all ingredients should be recognisable by members in as many countries as we possibly can.
The instructions are simple and easy to follow.
They will include temperatures both in Fahrenheit and Celsius so that it doesn’t matter where you live in the world or what type of oven you have, you can always follow the ingredients.
The weights are in both ounces and grams. And it doesn’t matter which measuring system you follow.
And the quantity of ingredients are measured out in cups, tablespoons or teaspoons because most people have these and they’re very, very cheap to buy. And it’s much, much quicker, in my opinion, to measure things in cups and tablespoons rather than in weight. And the recipes aren’t that complicated that you will need to be as precise as weighing things anyway.
So, this is a very, very fast way to cook in my opinion.
And all the ingredients are also and in language that is easily recognisable by people in most countries especially in the U.S. and Europe.
Hopefully, you should be able to recognise the ingredients because some ingredients have different names in the U.S. and the UK, for example. And we don’t want you to get confused and not be able to get the ingredients because you just might not recognise the name.
So we’ve tried our best to solve that, for example, courgette is also a zucchini. So we’ve put both in the meal plans so it doesn’t matter where you live, you can easily get a hold of them.
And also, the price of the leaf system is in dollars but it will be converted to your local currency so you don’t have to worry about that either.
And it is completely FREE to get started with the Leaf System if you’re not a member.
You just need to go to this link and you’ll be able to get started there.
And you’ll be able to see what bonuses there are this current month.
And you’ll be able to read our testimonials, see the before and after pictures and get started and get a whole month completely free.
I can’t wait to see you in there and to see your results.
Take care!
Resources mentioned in today’s video:
Natural Healing Weight Loss Diet For Life: The Leaf System
The Leaf System is my unprocessed, gluten free, dairy free, refined sugar free, fast delicious weight loss system.
All of The Leaf System meals are calorie counted to ensure you lose weight while you shine from the outside in!
Even after one day you’ll notice less brain fog eating this way, and things will just keep getting clearer and clearer.
Best of all – I am giving you one whole month of FREE complete delicious meal plans, shopping lists AND all of the bonuses!
Please leave a comment below and let me know what your experiences have been when you go on a strict natural diet?
Thanks so much!
Katherine xxx
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Hi Katherine,I just wanted to tell you I completed the 7 day detox and I feel so great.
I have lost 6lbs, do not feel like I need more my morning coffee, the flushing of my facial skin from rosacea has dramatically reduced and I am so excited to wake up each morning and make a green thickie for breakfast!!
I am a stay at-home, homeschooling momma of 3 littles and at times so busy I would forget to feed myself!
I would go most of the day without eating and then snack on random things.
I gained 60 pounds the last 6 years during pregnancy.
I have lost 30lbs but recently plateaued and have felt so frustrated.
I’ve tried everything from paleo and keto to the point where I didn’t know what to eat or how much and felt like even eating fruit was bad for me which thankfully it’s not!
What a game changer for me. Thank you for sharing a simple but effective program.
I’m so excited to continue another week with this plan! Thankful Stephanie
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