Green Smoothie Testimonials and Transformations
Success with Green Thickies
There is nothing that makes me happier than hearing other’s success stories when it comes to health and weight loss. So I’m excited to start sharing some inspiring green smoothie testimonials with you.
This email from Ken really made me smile. I was having a bad day after receiving some negative feedback and when I got Ken’s email I remembered why I had set up this site and it encouraged me to keep going. I want to help people turn their lives around and recover from illness and lack of energy and I believe green smoothies will be a big step towards achieving this.
What is wrong with a SAD Diet?
If you eat a SAD (Standard American Diet) or any standard Western diet then you’ll typically be eating a lot of processed, fatty, unhealthy refined foods and not much fruit or vegetables. This can lead to many health problems and general tiredness. The good news is that if you eat like this, the only way is up for you if you make any attempt to eat more healthily. The simple truth is, if you just replace most of your processed foods with whole foods you’ll feel dramatically better.
However if you’re like Ken, and salads just don’t appeal to you, then green smoothies are a great solution. With a green smoothie you get to drink your greens quickly, you don’t taste them as you add in more fruit than greens, and you can even add a cup full of oats (or other healthy carbs) to turn it into a complete meal (Green Thickie). It sounds simple, and it is. Hopefully you’ll take some inspiration from Ken’s amazing story.
** Please note that this post may contain affiliate links which means that I can receive a small payment if you make a purchase through my links.
NOTE: I don’t recommend whey powder as discussed in my 6 Foods to Avoid Article, but any improvement from a SAD diet will reap major benefits for your health, so don’t let the details worry you at this stage. Just get your whole fruits and veggies into your diet!
From SAD to Smoothies: Ken’s Story
“Thank you so much for your site! I have been reading every book on health and weight loss I can get my hands on and the most important thing I could discern from all of them is the importance of eating mostly vegetables. I’m from the USA and eat what has been coined the Standard American Diet, abbreviated as SAD. It truly is a sad way to eat! Mostly meat and potatoes and lots of processed and fast food. I was ready to lose weight and get healthy and have been watching infomercials for all types of blenders for making health drinks, and a quick internet search landed me on your site.
I have tried “juicing” before, but I never thought it was a long term solution for health. It made no sense to me to toss out all the fiber and only drink the nutrient water that could be extracted. I tried to get into salads, but simply could not. I tried one of your recipes with my cheap blender and instantly knew I was on to something that would work for me!
The next day I went out and bought a better blender (I went with one called “The Ninja“) and lots of spinach, romaine, strawberries, bananas, whey protein powder, and several other ingredients listed in some of your recipes.
I made a pitcher of your Chocolate Cherry Smoothie Recipe and drank a glass. It was delicious, filling, and very satisfying. I have been doing your program for about a week now and want to tell you that I feel better and actually crave the smoothies now!
My biggest concern was that I was going to miss all the things I normally ate but I have to tell you, I don’t miss them at all and have zero cravings for them.
I normally skipped breakfast because of my busy life, but sometimes would eat something from a drive thru like a sausage and egg biscuit and hash browns mid morning. Now, I make a pitcher of smoothies and go right for a big glass as soon as I wake up.
I made a pitcher of a recipe I improvised this morning with a whole head of romaine, almond milk, bananas, strawberries, chocolate whey protein powder, peanut butter, oatmeal and some cocoa powder and it tastes like a peanut butter cup candy!
Thanks again for the inspiration and the brilliant idea of adding oatmeal! Thanks for all the effort and time I know it must have taken you to compose your site and to maintain it, it is exactly what I needed and was looking for.
[tweetherder]I am now consuming more fruit and vegetables in one “thickie” than I typically ate in two weeks and feel awesome. [/tweetherder]
It is hard to describe, but it is like drinking coffee without the caffeine effect, clear headed, alert, more energy than I have had since I was a teenager! I don’t know if I have lost any weight yet as I forgot to weigh myself, but I already feel less bloated and know it will result in my ultimate goal of losing weight.
Keep up the great work and I look forward to trying more of your recipes! Thanks again!”
Now it’s your turn!
Would you like me to feature your story on Green Thickies? Have you had any success with your health or reaching your weight goals with either smoothies, green smoothies, green thickies or something similar? Whether you’ve only just recently experienced health benefits or you have been getting benefits from smoothies for years, I would love to hear from you. You can either email me at GreenThickies AT or contact me here. If you have a photo of yourself or one of your smoothies, that would be good too. I can’t wait to hear from you. (If you have a blog, you can also have links back to your blog)
Are you struggling to lose weight and keep it off?
Are you feeling run down and are struggling with ever increasing health problems?
Green Thickies new 7 Day Detox will help you drop a dress size, improve your skin, your energy will soar and you are going to be so in control and proud of yourself.
You won't go hungry on this diet ... And better yet - it actually requires minimal time in the kitchen.
Get results like this...
Hi Katherine,I just wanted to tell you I completed the 7 day detox and I feel so great.
I have lost 6lbs, do not feel like I need more my morning coffee, the flushing of my facial skin from rosacea has dramatically reduced and I am so excited to wake up each morning and make a green thickie for breakfast!!
I am a stay at-home, homeschooling momma of 3 littles and at times so busy I would forget to feed myself!
I would go most of the day without eating and then snack on random things.
I gained 60 pounds the last 6 years during pregnancy.
I have lost 30lbs but recently plateaued and have felt so frustrated.
I’ve tried everything from paleo and keto to the point where I didn’t know what to eat or how much and felt like even eating fruit was bad for me which thankfully it’s not!
What a game changer for me. Thank you for sharing a simple but effective program.
I’m so excited to continue another week with this plan! Thankful Stephanie
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A.H. James says
These recipes are not only delicious and tempting, but also nutritious! Looking at one of them, it makes me want to create my own! Thanks for sharing! :)
Katherine Natalia @ Green Thickies says
Thank you. I hope you get on well creating your own healthy smoothies!