What I ate Weekly: Week 1
This is the start of a series of posts detailing exactly what I’m eating to lose weight as promised. After having baby number 2, I now have 33 pounds to lose to get back to my pre-pregnancy ideal weight. I am going to share my weekly food intake with you once a week until I reach my ideal weight again.
This is not the size I want my tummy to be! I’m determined to get back into my slim jeans again!
What I Ate Weekly is an extension of the popular What I ate Wednesday which is an event run by Peas & Crayons blog, where people share what they ate in one day of the week. Now I’m taking that one step further and showing you what I ate for the whole week!
** Please note that this post may contain affiliate links which means that I can receive a small payment if you make a purchase through my links.
I’m going to share the following information every week:
- Date
- Start weight
- Current weight
- Goal weight
- Weight loss this week
- Total weight loss
- Health improvements
- Exercise taken
- List of all the food I have eaten
My Weight Loss Plan
I intend to lose weight with a very simple diet plan. I will be doing the following every day:
- Breakfast: Green Thickie
- Lunch: Green Thickie
- Dinner: Cooked Vegan Meal with a salad
- Snacks: I will try not to snack but if I do get hungry I’m planning on eating mainly fruit
My first week on my new diet
- Date: 9 July
- Start weight: 150 pounds (10 stones, 10 lbs, 68KG). This may not seem that heavy to you but for my small height of 5 ft 3 it puts me into the overweight category.
- Weight on weigh in day: 148 pounds (10 stones, 8 lbs, 67KG)
- Goal weight: 117 pounds (8 stones 5 lbs, 53 KG) This is the weight that I naturally seem to end up at when I remain eating healthily for a long time. I’ve been this weight before both pregnancies and it’s still well within my healthy range.
- Weight loss this week: 2lbs. I expected to lose more as the first week on a new diet usually results in more water loss but I blew it on the day before weight in day by pigging out on a 3 course meal out of the house! So I’m still really happy I lost 2lbs this week.
- Total weight loss: 2lb. Not much but it’s a start and it makes you feel good knowing the scales are heading in the right direction.
- Health improvements: I’ve not had such extreme sugar cravings this week and have been able to resist chocolate all week.
- Exercise taken: Not much. A couple of very short walks to the local shop with the kids in the pram.
All the food I ate this week:
(My diet week begins on Tuesday as I get my shopping on Monday)
Breakfast & Lunch: 1 serving of Peach and Orange Juice Green Thickie for each meal.
Dinner: Farm Stand Vegetable Stew from Fresh from the Vegan Slow Cooker book. This was my first recipe from this new book and I absolutely loved it. So did my husband and that’s saying something as he doesn’t usually like my vegan ‘healthy’ meals. I’m experimenting a bit more with my slow cooker since we’ve had our baby. As we rarely all get to eat at the same time at the moment, a slow cooker meal is perfect as I can take a small portion for my toddler earlier on then my husband and I can grab a meal when we’ve got a spare minute in the evening. Then neither one of us has to have a dinner that’s gone cold while the baby is crying. Perfect! All my meals this week are from that book. I was extra hungry this week while reducing my sugar intake so I had 2 slices of homemade 100% wholewheat sunflower bread to dip in this gorgeous stew. I used a recipe from this book to make my bread and it worked amazingly well, one of the nicest loaves of bread I ever tasted especially for a wholewheat bread. No I’m not gluten free and I don’t believe you have to cut out bread to lose weight as long as it’s healthy homemade wholegrain bread, not refined white bread.
Breakfast and Lunch: 1 serving of Sun Dream Orange and Banana Green Thickie for each meal.
Dinner: Another serving of the gorgeous Farm Stand Vegetable Stew from Fresh from the Vegan Slow Cooker book.
Snack: Bowl of fruit salad (no I didn’t eat this whole bowl, just a small portion!)
Breakfast and Lunch: 1 serving of Wet Summer Watermelon Green Thickie for each meal.
Dinner: Pasta and Vegetable Frittata from Fresh from the Vegan Slow Cooker book. This worked really well and was a very satisfying meal.
Breakfast and Lunch: 1 serving of Thick Green Tropical Smoothie for each meal.
Dinner: Another serving of Pasta and Vegetable Frittata from Fresh from the Vegan Slow Cooker book.
Snack: Bowl of fruit salad
Breakfast and Lunch: 1 serving of Cool Breeze Mint and Pineapple Green Thickie for each meal.
Dinner: Chili and Potato Gratin from Fresh from the Vegan Slow Cooker book.. This was honestly the most gorgeous meal I’ve had in a very long time. I could eat this every single day it was so good. It was actually really quick to make too so I’m definitely going to do this again. A hit with all the family!
Snack: Bowl of fruit salad
Breakfast and Lunch: 1 serving of Healthy Key Lime Pie Green Thickie (one of my all time favourites) for each meal.
Dinner: Another portion of the lovely Chili and Potato Gratin from Fresh from the Vegan Slow Cooker book. I wish there was more! I’ve loved making slow cooker meals this week. It’s been so flexible. I have made up the meal and added it to the slow cooker in the evening, put it in the fridge overnight and in the morning when I’m busy with the kids I just put the slow cooker meal on, it simmers away all day filling the house with a gorgeous smell and it’s ready to eat when we want it. I just adore my slow cooker, and you can pick them up so cheaply now that it’s really a crime not to have one! If you’ve got a busy life or a family this really will save you so much time in the evening when you’re so tired, hungry and can’t be bothered to wait for a meal to cook. Then after you’ve eaten just spend 15 minutes chopping the veg for the next day and put it in your fridge ready to go on in the morning. Couldn’t be easier!
Snack: Bowl of fruit salad
Breakfast: 1 serving of Strawberry Rhubarb Pie Green Thickie .
Lunch & Dinner: We went out for a meal with some vouchers that we had and our toddler was away at her grandparents. Our little baby boy slept through the whole thing which was lovely. I totally pigged out on a 3 course meal maybe because it was free. I’m a sucker for free food! I didn’t get any photos as I didn’t want to be reminded about all the rubbishy food I was eating! I enjoyed the meal but regretted it later when I couldn’t stop eating sugary food for the rest of the day. Needless to say I’d undone a lot of my hard work this week but I’m human just like the next person and I’m still pleased this week was a lot healthier than last week.
All in all, I’m pleased that I had a mostly healthy week this week.
What do you think of this new feature? What kind of food do you eat in a week, anything like mine? I hope it helps those of you who are looking for a healthier diet to see what I’m eating for every meal. I’m going to do this every week until I reach my ideal weight again. It helps to keep me held accountable and hopefully it won’t take me a year to lose my baby weight this time.
I have also decided that to motivate myself even further and help others at the same time, I am going to donate some money to charity when I lose weight. For every 2 pounds that I lose I’m going to donate enough money (£10.70) to feed a child for a whole year. I’ll be thinking about these hungry children when I’m tempted to overindulge in something unhealthy. I’m going to support Mary’s Meals which is set up by Martha who is a school girl who blogged about her school dinners and became so popular that she was able to raise a fortune for charity. It actually takes very little to feed one child for a whole year so I’m going to commit to that from now on. You can have a look at Mary’s meals and donate here too.
You can read how I lost my weight previously with green smoothies:
- How I lost 56 Pounds with the Green Smoothie Diet
- Sun Dream Orange and Banana Smoothie and my weight loss progress
- How I lost 5 pounds and dropped a dress size in 7 days: My Green Thickie Challenge (Pt 2)
- Introducing What I ate Weekly #1: How I lost 2 pounds this week
- What I ate Weekly 2: How I lost 5 pounds this week
Are you struggling to lose weight and keep it off?
Are you feeling run down and are struggling with ever increasing health problems?
Green Thickies new 7 Day Detox will help you drop a dress size, improve your skin, your energy will soar and you are going to be so in control and proud of yourself.
You won't go hungry on this diet ... And better yet - it actually requires minimal time in the kitchen.
Get results like this...
Hi Katherine,I just wanted to tell you I completed the 7 day detox and I feel so great.
I have lost 6lbs, do not feel like I need more my morning coffee, the flushing of my facial skin from rosacea has dramatically reduced and I am so excited to wake up each morning and make a green thickie for breakfast!!
I am a stay at-home, homeschooling momma of 3 littles and at times so busy I would forget to feed myself!
I would go most of the day without eating and then snack on random things.
I gained 60 pounds the last 6 years during pregnancy.
I have lost 30lbs but recently plateaued and have felt so frustrated.
I’ve tried everything from paleo and keto to the point where I didn’t know what to eat or how much and felt like even eating fruit was bad for me which thankfully it’s not!
What a game changer for me. Thank you for sharing a simple but effective program.
I’m so excited to continue another week with this plan! Thankful Stephanie
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- How To Use Bananas For Sleep (Bedtime Banana Elixir Recipe) - January 14, 2022
- Why You Can’t Eat Your 5 A Day (And The EASY SOLUTION) - November 29, 2021
- 10 Second Banana Ice Cream Recipe (Using Only Bananas) - November 1, 2020
Sandra says
Good feature. Probably should of done mine weekly, rather than daily, proving to be lots of work! I didn’t know you could have raw rhubard. Will get a stick and try this.
Katherine Natalia @ Green Thickies says
Thank you. Yes daily posts would be a lot of hard work, don’t know how you find the time. I’ve loved reading what you’ve been eating and about your weight loss too. Yes I didn’t know that you could eat it raw until recently. I buy mine frozen (in ASDA) as it is cheaper, pre-chopped and can get it out of season. It’s one of my favourite smoothies. I adore rhubarb!