How to make a smoothie healthy and tasty
5 Steps to success
In some ways, making your own smoothie is simple. Just throw all the ingredients in the blender and whizz it up until smooth. And after a few disasters, we all know how bad we feel when we waste expensive ingredients and our smoothies are inedible. So I have created the perfect guide to making a smoothie healthy and tasty every time.
First of all, I’ll explain about the different ingredients that can go in your smoothie, then I’ll show you how to make different types of smoothies:
Follow these 5 steps for adding your smoothie ingredients:
How to make a smoothie in 5 steps
The smoothie you are about to create will be for 2 servings, approximately 2 pints. So you’ll have some to share or some for later. If you only want one serving, half all the ingredients.
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1: Add your base
Add 2 cups of any of the following liquids:
- Water
- Fruit juice (Orange, Apple, Pineapple Juice)
- Coconut Water
- Dairy free milk (Almond, Oat, Rice, Soya)
- Coconut milk
- Caffeine free tea (Fruit tea, Green tea)
- Ice (Add up to 1 cup of ice at the end to cool down your smoothie)
Or 4 cups of any of the following watery fruits:
- Watermelon
- Pineapple
- Oranges
2: Add your fruit
It depends how much water is in your fruit. The more water in the fruit the more you can add. The creamier the fruit, the less you need. These can be fresh or frozen. Frozen fruit will make your smoothie cool but you might need more liquid as they will make the smoothie thicker at first.
- 2 Cups of creamy fruit (Banana, Mango, Peaches, Pears)
- 4 Cups of non creamy fruit (Pineapple, Melon, Apple, Berries, Grapes)
- If you are combining fruits, add 1-2 cups of creamy fruit with 1-2 cups of non creamy fruit.
3: Add a filler
You don’t have to include a filler, but it will make your smoothie much more thick, filling and creamy, especially if you’re not using any creamy fruit. (If you are just having apples in your smoothie, you’ll definitely need a filler). Add 1 cup of any of the following:
- Oats
- Quinoa
- Buckwheat
- Sweet Potato
- Butternut Squash
- Yoghurt
- Avocado
4: Add extras
This is where your smoothie gets it’s taste and character. Add some of the following:
- Spinach, Kale or other mild greens: To turn your smoothie into a green smoothie add 2 cups of greens. These are easier to blend with the liquid before adding the rest of the ingredients. If using frozen greens add them nearer to the end.
- 1/2 a cup chopped Celery or Cucumber
- Juice of 1-4 limes or lemons.
- 1 teaspoon of Vanilla, Ginger or Cinnamon or a pinch of Cayenne
- 1/4 Cup of fresh herbs such as parsley, mint or basil.
- 1/4 Cup of plain seeds, nuts or nut butters. (Sunflower, chia, pumpkin, flaxseed, hemp, pecans, almonds, cashews)
5: Sweeten to taste
If your smoothie needs sweetener, add sweetener to taste, depending on how sweet the fruit is. Or you can try the following measurements:
- 1/4 Cup of liquid sweetener (Agave, maple syrup, honey, molasses, date syrup)
- 1/4 to 1/2 cup of dried fruit (dates, raisins, dried apricots, other dried fruit)
- Pure Stevia to taste.
How to create different types of smoothies
Creamy Smoothie
If you use Coconut milk as a base it will make all your smoothies taste rich, creamy, and deliciously sweet. You won’t need much else apart from fruit and coconut milk and perhaps some sweetener if you like it extra sweet.
You will fall in love with this 4 ingredient Creamy Mango Shake once you’ve tried it.
Low fat/calorie Smoothie
If you want a low calorie smoothie, it’s better to use water as your base as it contains no calories. Use berries for most of your fruit and either sweeten with a few dates or some bananas. Try this Berry Smoothie recipe.
Filling Smoothie
To make a more filling smoothie, you can’t go wrong with 1 cup of oats. They are neutral in taste so you can add them to all smoothies and make your smoothie more creamy. Or you can add more filling fruits such as bananas, mango and dates. Coconut milk, nuts and seeds will also really fill you up. For a healthy sweet treat, try this Homemade Cookie Dough Smoothie.
Refreshing Smoothie
One easy to way to make your smoothies more refreshing is to use an orange juice base and citrus in your smoothies, such as lemon and lime. For a beautifully refreshing smoothie try this Sun Dream Orange and Banana Smoothie, or the ever popular Key Lime Pie Smoothie for a refreshing indulgent treat.
Antioxidant rich smoothie
Berries are full of antioxidants so chuck some frozen berries into any smoothie to give it a healthy boost. Give this Broccoli and Blueberry smoothie a try for an amazing health kick.
Detox Smoothie
If you want to make a more cleansing smoothie, try adding cucumber, celery or ginger to your smoothie. Try this gorgeous Pineapple and Strawberry Smoothie with hidden celery.
Warming Smoothie
If you need your cool smoothie to give you a warm glow, try adding a teaspoon of ginger or cinnamon to your smoothie, or a pinch of cayenne to taste. This Spicy Plum Smoothie will give you a warming treat, or this Lime and Ginger drink will give you a real kick.
Tropical Smoothie
If you want to give any smoothie a tropical flavour, just add either pineapple, coconut, mango, papaya or passion fruit. Give this lovely tropical smoothie a try.
Indulgent Smoothie
If you want a smoothie to reduce your cravings for desserts, try adding 1/4 cup of cocoa powder and some sweeteners to your smoothie for a healthy yet indulgent treat. Try this Chocolate Cherry Smoothie to satisfy all your cravings. You can replace the cherries with other berries, oranges, bananas or whatever fruit you want.
Do you want to try a Green Thickie? This basic Green Thickie Recipeis the perfect starting point.
How to blend your smoothie
Start off just blending your liquid with some of your fruit slowly at first. When the fruit is submerged in the liquid add some more of the ingredients at a time until everything is blended. Depending on your blender you may have to add more liquid or stop and scrape down the sides of the blender after turning it off first. You may have to blend your smoothie from 1 minute to 5 minutes depending on how good your blender is.
A high speed blender will make the perfect smooth smoothie every time. Or you can have a look at my resources page for blenders I recommend to suit your budget.
If you want some more smoothie recipes, this smoothie recipe book has got to be my favourite that I’ve ever tried (and I’ve tried loads!) If you’ve never tasted Innocent smoothies, they are a British brand sold in mainstream shops, and now they are sharing all their secrets with you. I’ve loved all the recipes I’ve tried from this book so far, and it’s so beautifully laid out, you’ll be truly inspired into healthiness.
I hope this has helped you to create your own perfect smoothie. What is your favourite smoothie recipe?
I know you may not have time to digest all this right now, so I wanted to give you a handy print out of this blog post so you can stick it on your fridge to help you on your journey to optimal health.
Click here to download your FREE PDF of this blog post now.
[tweetherder]How to make a perfect smoothie in 5 easy steps[/tweetherder]
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Gabby @ the veggie nook says
What a great tutorial! It’s funny I’d been making some pretty terrible smoothies lately, but this morning my smoothie-making mojo was back in place. If I had seen this earlier I might have been spared my barely-passable concoctions.
I really like the tip on adding cinnamon or ginger to smoothies. I do this randomly, but always forget it can actually give some warming qualities to my smoothie- will definitely come in handy soon- it’s getting so cold out!
Gabby @ the veggie nook says
Oh and I used to drink those Innocent Smoothies all the time when I lived in Ireland! Did they do the fundraiser thing where you are where they got knitted hats to put on top of all the bottles? I bought so many of them just because of those hats! lol
Carissa says
we love smoothies! I try to make them for breakfast at least once a week! Great way to break it down; I never thought about the watery vs non watery fruits before!
Sarah C. says
This is great info!
Rachel Ramey says
Another tip: consider the flavors of the various things you’re adding, and make sure that they go well TOGETHER (particularly the strongly-flavored fruits/veggies; some are mild enough that they just get covered up anyway). Some combinations just don’t work well!
Danielle @ Poor and Gluten Free says
What a great tutorial! This makes it really easy to customize, and I’d never thought of adding quinoa or squash to a smoothie. I know what I’ll be playing around with today (I’m thinking warm ginger and sweet acorn squash smoothie now).
Thanks for sharing this on Waste Not Want Not Wednesday :)
Miz Helen says
Great Post! Hope you are having a great fall weekend and thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday.
Come Back Soon!
Miz Helen
Tamara @ Oh Lardy says
I printed out your 5 steps and let my daughter pick her ingredients. She made a yummy ‘tropical’ pineapple/mango/fermented oj/flax seed/spinach smoothie and drank it all! This breaks it down and makes it so easy to pick and choose great ingredients. I tacked it to my cupboard right by my vitamix to reference for smoothie making. Thank you!
Angela says
Wow, these are great instructions! Something I could use as the smoothie making process is often mysterious to me. Thanks for sharing on Natural Living Mondays.
Nancy says
What a great post — I’ve never made smoothies, but now I know where to come if I have any questions. :)
Lauren says
Hi Katherine! This looks like a great formula for smoothie-making! :-) My typical go-to is almond milk, almond butter, frozen bananas, vanilla, yogurt, and spinach, but I need to branch out! I’ll have to try your chocolate cherry version! Thanks for the ideas!
Lauren says
Holy cow! Sorry about the picture….I thought that was for my avatar! :-/
kristy @ Gastronomical Sovereignty says
very helpful post! for those of us who make generally one smoothie all the time, this makes it a little less scary to diversify :)
thank you for sharing with the Wednesday Fresh Foods Link Up! I looks forward to seeing you again this week with more wonderful seasonal & fresh/real food posts. xo, kristy.
Jessica says
Thanks so much for sharing this on Meatless Monday, and sorry it took me a while to get back to you- I was hit with Hurricane Sandy!
Marsha says
This is a really helpful post, thanks….My husband and I have a green smoothie every morning. I grow kale in my garden and have it fresh as the ‘GREEN.” I also put into each one 2 TB flax seeds, 2TB hemp hearts, 1 TB chia seeds, 2 TB dried mulberries, 2 TB cacao nibs. I also put in a frozen cube of wheat grass, frozen blueberries and then a variety of fruits and veggies I have in my fridge at any given time. I am a senior and I have so much energy I can hardly keep up to myself!
Anne-Marie says
Hi Katherine! Thanks for sharing at {Wheat-Free Wednesday} last week. Your post has been pinned to my Pinterest board and shared on my FB page. I hope you’ll share again this week. The list goes live tonight:
Cindy (Vegetarian Mamma) says
What a great post! Clear directions on how to make the best smoothie!! Thanks for linking up at our Gluten Free Fridays party! I have tweeted and pinned your entry to our Gluten Free Fridays board on Pinterest! :) We had 101 awesome recipes! What a great resource we are creating!! Cindy from
The winner of the Domata prize pack will be announced Thursday at the party!
self sagacity says
My kids are nuts about making their own smoothie. I will pin the steps for them. Great tips.
Katherine Natalia @ Green Thickies says
Thank you, so glad it will be a help for your kids!
dgrilly says
Do you soak the buckwheat before you make a smoothie?
Maddy says
Thanks for this. I’m trying to add healthy calories to my skinny son’s diet and yet avoid all the things he’s allergic to: almonds, dairy etc. I think I’m going to try and slip in an avocado – which he hates – and see if I can disguise it. If only he liked bananas.
oge says
Thank you very much for these tips.please i do have a question,what if i use diary milk in my mango anything wrong with that?
Nutribullet Recipes says
Perfect tips on how to make a smoothie, really a big fan of the infographic as well!
Thanks very much Katherine.
Jonathan says
Hi I just came across your article here and I wanted to say I enjoyed it. I have been making green smoothies for a while now but I never thought to try adding a filler like you suggested of oats or quinoa but I will be trying it this weekend!
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